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Featured App
Create stunning slideshow videos from your images easily
I’m excited to introduce Slideshow Video Generator, a new app designed to help you create beautiful slideshow videos from your images.
With dozens of visual transition effects to choose from, you can easily craft engaging videos. Customize your video’s dimensions, as well as the duration for each image and transition, and the FPS (Frames Per Second).
The total video length will depend on the number of images, their duration, and the transition time.
This project comes in the form of an Android App, as well of an Online service.
Featured Page
Audio relaxation time !
Below, you will find a video including an audio creation of mines, which consists in soothing words read by a female voice.
Track : Franck Goss – In the Celestial Expanse (mp3 link)
This is the result of an experiment I did using the following tools :
- Lyrics : ChatGPT
- Text to Speech : ElevenLabs AI Voice Generator
- Echo effect : Audacity
- Visual art : OpenArt
The lyrics can be found on the dedicated web page.
Enjoy !
Featured Page
Here’s a list of interesting audio frequencies and binaural beats, including audio samples and descriptions (presumed effects and related notions).
You can generate these frequencies and many more with our Audio Frequency Signal Generator mobile app, a free mobile tool for generating and recording binaural frequencies. The audio frequency samples below were recorded with the app.
Also, don’t forget to read our post about binaural beats.
And feel free to check out our Audio Device Project.
Featured Page
Oniric Forge (oniricforge.com) would like to share with you a project related to the Audio Frequency Signal Generator mobile application, which is a binaural frequency generator.
Audio Frequency Signal Generator app icon
The idea behind this project is to create a dedicated multi-vendor online store, where engineers / sellers will be able to offer their products.
The preferred product types are audio frequency generators (this is the heart of the project), although all audio devices are allowed.
The Audio Frequency Signal Generator app has several thousand active users around the world, this could give to some engineers the opportunity to find potential customers for their own electronic devices, via a concrete project that can be seen as an interesting style exercise, or more simply to sell products that are already available for purchase on some other platforms.
In the case of audio frequency generators, you will access a niche market through the Audio Frequency Signal Generator app users, who might be interested in acquiring an audio device including features more or less similar to those of the application, knowing that your product can make the difference (look and feel, features, and so on).
Engineers / sellers interested in joining the project will be granted a vendor account on a dedicated WooCommerce website, where they will be able to manage their seller profile, product infos, orders, and so on.
Everything will be done so that sellers can manage their products independently and comfortably.
This project, that I have been working on for several years and which is very close to my heart, involves engineers, salespeople, investors and of course potential customers.
The idea started to emerge in my mind after I created the Audio Frequency Signal Generator mobile application, in 2018.
The Oniric Forge Apps
Audio Frequency Signal Generator
Explore and record binaural frequencies
Binaural frequency signal generator.
Examples of use :
- Sound testing.
- Binaural beats relaxation / therapy (www.oniricforge.com/binaural-beats).
- Audio sampling.
0 hz -20 khz range (can be expanded up to 40 khz. You can adjust range via the “Min Max” button, or via the in-app settings : Main menu > Settings > Change min / max freq.),
5 waveform types : Sine, Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, Noise.
The current waveform is displayed on an oscilloscope.
Two adjustable frequencies : Left, right.
For each side, you have 4 knobs that allow you to tweak the related frequency : – + 1 Hz, – + 10 Hz, – + 100 Hz, – + 1000 Hz (adjustable amounts).
Enjoy !
Injection Planning
Self-injection planning helper *
* This application is intended for patients whose long-term treatment requires injections at regular intervals.
Have an overview of the location and age of your injections.
This application is intended for patients whose long-term treatment requires injections at regular intervals. As a general rule, they are trained in the technique of self-injection in order to be able to treat themselves without the help of a health professional. A different injection site must be chosen each time, which reduces the risk of irritation or pain.
Examples of conditions concerned: multiple sclerosis, diabetes (glucose reading and insulin), cancers, asthma, renal failure, hematological diseases, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Injected medications can cause side effects such as erythema, pain, induration, pruritus, edema, inflammation, hypersensitivity, etc. In this case, a regular rotation of the injection sites (locations of the injections) must be respected in order to ensure a sufficient tissue rest period for each site.
Tiny Labyrinth Adventure
Pixel Dungeon / Puzzle Game
Explore labyrinths, looking for gems.
The game is based on a top-down view,
Each level is completed once you have collected all of the gems.
Once a level is completed, the next one is unlocked.
The levels are independant of each other. At each level start, player’s inventory and energy level are reset.
Enjoy !
Text-based adventure game
Heroic Fantasy text-based adventure game.
Explore, fight, manage your resources.
At the end of each day, you gain health points if you have at least one food point and one water point.
Conversely, if you have no food or water point, you lose health points.
Dynamic turned-based fights, intuitive control interface.
Enjoy !
Best Regards.
Franck Mallouk, aka Dj Franck Goss